Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 2, Text 2

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Vocabulary section transcribed with help from with help from 武克富強/Võ Khắc Phú Cường
The Crow
An old crow was very thirsty.
She saw there was a pot of water in front of a house and wished to drink it.
But the pot was deep, and the water in it was shallow.
The crow tried to stretch her beak as much as she could, but in the end could not get the water.
Then she raised her head as if she were thinking about something.
Suddenly she flew away and came back carrying a stone in her beak, which she threw into the pot.
Thus she went and came back more than ten times.
When the stones were piled up, the water had risen and the crow's thirst was then quenched.
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