Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 5, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical section.
C. 高等 Superlative particles
The superlative particles indicate the highest degree of a quality, state, or action.
These particles are:
甚 最 頗 極 至 迥 殊 綦 切 盡 絕 儘
Examples of using the superlative particles:
① 好之甚也
The very best.
② 甚相親
Closely related to each other.
③ 甚不相宜
Extreme unsuitable to each other.
④ 其費甚大
These spendings are very large.
⑤ 凌辱已甚
Already very much disgraced.
⑥ 最優之禮
The most excellent courtesy.
⑦ 最西之處
The place farthest west.
⑧ 暹羅爲西南之最
Siam is the extreme southwest.
⑨ 頗久
For a very long time.
⑩ 頗願
Quite eager.
⑪ 頗覺不安
Feeling quite uneasy.
⑫ 極爲明晰
Being extremely clear.
⑬ 阻碍之極
The greatest of obstacles.
⑭ 極以爲是
To consider as perfectly right.
⑮ 極表同情
Expressing utmost sympathy.
⑯ 樂極生悲
The extremity of joy will bring about sadness.
⑰ 其可謂至德也
This can be called consummate virtue.
⑱ 爲天子父貴之至也
To be the emperor's father is the greatest of of honors.
⑲ 是爲至要
This is most important.
⑳ 至關緊要
Of the highest importance.
㉑ 迥不相同
Not alike by far.
㉒ 迥異前時
Vastly different from former times.
㉓ 殊不可解
Quite unsolvable.
㉔ 殊不然
Not at all so.
㉕ 殊屬可憐
To be considered very pitiful.
㉖ 軍律綦嚴
Military rules are extremely strict.
㉗ 人命關係綦重
Concerns of human fatality are very important.
㉘ 切不可
Absolutely cannot.
㉙ 切勿
Do not by any means.
㉚ 切要
Acutely important.
㉛ 切切
Acutely urgent.
㉜ 此等惡習尚未盡息
These kinds of evil practices have not yet completely ceased.
㉝ 先補用
First of the candidates.
㉞ 儘東
On the extreme east.
㉟ 妙絕
Wonderful to the utmost!
㊱ 絕色
Very beautiful.
㊲ 駭絕
Startled to the utmost.