Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 8, Text 1
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Evil of Foot-binding
Man has four limbs. Those who are deficient in this respect are cripples.
If the limbs are hurt, (the man) gets sick. Crippled and sick men inspire general compassion.
Therefore those who hurt the limbs of men must be blamed by everybody and punished by the law for (lit. loathing) their cruelty.
Parents love their children without limit, yet they inflict upon (their) daughters the cruelty of foot-binding, and make them sick and crippled for life.
Do they not love their daughters? It is because they stick to the old custom.
(According to) the principles of hygiene, motion is a most important thing. (But) if the feet are bound up, walking is difficult.
In house-keeping the activity (of the house-wife) is the most precious (quality). (But a woman whose) feet are bound up dislikes to be active.
This is a great evil, and it is not difficult to see (lit. to know) it. And yet parents (lit. those who have daughters) permit (lit. bear) it to be done (to their daughters), and the men who marry insist upon it.
Even though the health (lit. body) (of the wife) gets weak from day to day, and the house affairs go from bad to worse, still (the husband) has not a bit of compassion. This can be called an extreme stupidity.