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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 16, Text 3

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt

Grammatical section


The particles indicating cause or reason are:


When 因 is put at the beginning of a sentence, 而 or 故 in the principal clause usually complete the structure (examples 7, 8).

Examples of using the causal particles:

Why can one not deal with it according to the old (plan)?
For what reason?
To neglect private affairs because of public business.
To infer (lit. to know) that from this.
On account of the severity of the weather, it was difficult to proceed with the work.
To be dismissed from the office on account of certain matters.
As he is artful, they avoid him.
As it is warm, there is no ice.
Confucius said, “As I follow in the rear of the great officers, I did not dare not to give information.”
The Master said, “The superior man does not promote a man (simply) on account of his words; nor does he put aside (good) words because of the man.”
(Among) the members of the body there are some honorable, some ignoble; there are some small, some great. (One must) not injure the great for the small, nor injure the honorable for the ignoble.
Gold or iron even in small quantities is heavy, because their particles are compact. Cotton even in big quantities is light, because its particles are loose.
The king Hui of Liang for the matter of territory destroyed his people.
By reason of their being afraid, they did not dare to advance.
Although there were only coarse rice and soup of vegetables, he always ate his fuil, because he did not dare to do otherwise.
The reason for the memorials not being published is because (the government) is anxious lest secret matters of importance should become known to foreigners.
Since you are not willing, I do not insist.
Since we have got thus far, it only remains to go on.
Since there is no distinct proof, it is very ditficult to decide.
Birds die for the sake of food, men perish for the sake of wealth.
Because he was not in accord with his parents, he like a a poor man had no place to which to turn.