Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 17, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical section
The particles indicating consequence or result are:
卽 遂 乃 始 方 庶 斯 則 而 故 以 便 是故 是以 以致 由是
遂卽 於是 所以 夫 若
Note. The last three particles are very seldom used as consequential particles.
Examples of using the consequential particles:
① 衆人即行共議
The whole body of men then proceeded to consult together.
② 生人不能一日無用即不能一日無財
Living men cannot for a single day avoid using things, and therefore cannot for a single day be without funds.
③ 做錯肯認錯卽此是好人
After committing a fault to be willing to acknowledge one's fault, this then is a good man.
④ 黎明即起
At dawn he (then) got up.
⑤ 明日遂行
The next day he (then) took his departure.
⑥ 雨我公田途及我私
May the rain come down on our public field, and then upon our private fields.
⑦ 至地遂與人等
On reaching the ground (the dwarf then) became as tall as an ordinary person.
⑧ 歸念遂息
Thereupon he thought no more of returning home.
⑨ 遂欲動身
He thereupon prepared to start.
⑩ 乃於案上取壶酒
Thereupon he took a kettle of wine from the table.
⑪ 師乃剪紙如鏡
The old priest then cut out a circular piece of paper like-a mirror.
⑫ 孔子曰求無乃爾是過與
Confucius said, “Ch'iu, is it not you then who is at fault here?
⑬ 道士笑而允之乃傳以訣
The priest laughingly assented and thereupon taught (him) a formula.
⑭ 道士既去始顧車中
As soon as the priest had gone, he (then) looked at hiscart.
⑮ 始知所伐梨本卽是物也
Then he knew that the cut pear-tree was the thing.
⑯ 妙算無移方能取利
Make good calculations and do not change (them), then you will be able to gain profits.
⑰ 至死方休
Not to stop until death (lit. when death comes, then stop).
⑱ 方始放心
Upon which he began to feel at ease in his mind.
⑲ 必須設一善法應可安生矣
We must devise a good plan, so that we can live in peace.
⑳ 盜匪無從進步。良民應可安居
Brigands will not be able to make their way in, and so law-abiding people will be able to dwell in peace.
㉑ 王無罪歲斯天下之民至焉
Let Your Majesty cease to lay the blame on the year, and then from all the empire the people will come to you.
㉒ 子日仁遠平哉我欲仁斯仁至兔
The Master said, “Is virtue a thing remote? I wish to be virtuous, and then--virtue is at hand”.
㉓ 得天下有道得其民斯得天下矣
There is a way to get the empire,get the people, and then the empire is secured.
㉔ 舉直錯諸枉則民服
Advance the upright and set aside the crooked, then the people will submit.
㉕ 過則勿憚改
If you have faults, then do not fear to abandon them.
㉖ 以義爲利則財恒足
Take uprightness to be (your) profit, and then your wealth will be always sufficient.
㉗ 日出而作日入而息
When the sun comes up, to work; when the sun then goes down, then to rest .
㉘ 水火吾見蹈而死者矣未見蹈仁而死者也
I have seen men die from treading on water and fire (lit. treading on water and fire and then dying), but I have never seen a man die from treading the course of virtue.
㉙ 士窮不失義達不離道故民不失望
The scholar when poor does not lose his righteousness; when prosperous does not leave the proper path; therefore the people are not disappointed in their expectations.
㉚ 其爲人也發憤忘食樂以忘憂
He is a man, who in his eager pursuit (of knowledge) forgets his food; who so rejoices (at its attainment) that he forgets his sorrows.
㉛ 燕趙久相支以弊大衆
The states of Yen and Chao would fight for a long time, with the result that all would be exhausted.
㉜ 既昏便息
When it is dusk, then rest.
㉝ 此事問人便知
As to this matter, ask people, then you will know.
㉞ 誠者物之終始不誠無物是故君子誠之爲貴
Sincerity is the end and beginning of things; without sincerity there would be nothing. On this accoun the superior man regards sincerity as the most excellent thing.
㉟ 仲尼之徒無是以後世無傳焉
There were none of the disciples of Chung-ni who spoke about the affairs of Huan and Wen, and therefore they have not been transmitted to these later ages.
㊱ 以致生出事端
So as to give rise to troubles.
㊲ 兩國道桓文之事者相與由是有外交之條約
When two states come into contact, foreign treaties result therefrom.
㊳ 途卽撲滅
Thereupon the fire was extinguished.
㊴ 自有輪舶洋海於是交通
From the time steamers made their appearance, the oceans (then) became passable:
㊵ 有大才能所以能成大事
He who is endowed with great abilities, is therefore able to achieve great deeds.
㊶ 彼奪其民時便不得耕耨
They (princes) rob their people of their time, so that they connot plough and cultivate their fields.
㊷ 王往而征之夫誰與王敵
If Your Majesty will go and attack him, who then will oppose you?
㊸ 必有忍若能有濟
You must have patience, and then you will be successful.