Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 19, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical section
The particles that indicate purpose are:
以 爲 而 俾 以期 以便 以資
Examples of using the purposive particles:
① 隱居以求其志。行義以達其道。吾聞其語矣。未見其人也。
Living in retirement to study their aims, and practising righteousness to carry out their principles, I have heard these words, but I have not seen such men.
② 百工居肆。以成其事。君子學以致其道。
Artisans dwell in their shops in order to accomplish their work. The superior man learns in order to carry out his principles.
③ 訓子弟。以禁非爲。
To instruct the young in order to prevent wrong doing.
④ 子曰。志士仁人無求生以害仁。有殺身以成仁。
The master said, “The determined scholar and the man of perfect virtue will not seek to live at the expense (lit. in order to) of injuring their virtue. They will even sacrifice their lifes preserve their virtue complete. in order to
⑤ 爲國致命
To die for one's country.
⑥ 子曰。古之學者爲己。今之學者爲人。
The Master said, “In ancient times men learned for them. selves (for their own improvement). Now-a-days men learn for other men (for the approbation of others)
⑦ 子路曰衛君待子而爲政
Tzu-lu said (to Confucius), “The ruler of Wei has been waiting for you in order to administer the govern- ment.
⑧ 焉知賢才而舉之
How shall I know the men of virtue and talent so that I may raise them to office?
⑨ 俾免沿途阻滯
In order to avoid obstruction on the way.
⑩ 將此物附送。俾得交還失主
I send this object herewith in order that it may be returned to the loser.
⑪ 以期得實
In order to get at the truth.
⑫ 以期妥善
In order that matters may be properly arranged.
⑬ 以便照辦
In order to act accordingly.
⑭ 以資鼓勵
For the sake of encouragement.