Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 22, Text 3
Grammatical section.
The exclamatory particles are used to express admiration, surprise, delight, lamentation, etc. and to form questions when a negative of the proposition conveyed is implied.
These particles are: 與 (or 歟) 也與 乎 乎哉 哉 豈.
乎 used in the middle of a sentence serves sometimes as an expletive (ex. 13, 14, 15, 16). 乎 joined with 已矣 forms an exclamation of lamentation: “alas!” “it is all over!” (ex. 11, 12).
哉 is often used in the middle of a sentence after individual words giving a strong emphasis to them (ex. 18, 19, 20). 哉 and 乎 are also used in combination with the interrogative particles to complete interrogative clauses (see lesson XXIII, gram. section, ex. 5, 6, 8, 41, 53).
豈 is sometimes used alone, sometimes in combination with 乎, 哉 or 與 put at the end of a clause (ex. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27). The particles 與, 也與 and 乎 are also used as interrogative particles to express ordinary questions (see lesson XXIII, gram. section).