Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 24, Text 3

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt

Grammatical section


So called prepositional particles play the same part in the Wen-li style as prepositions in the European languages. They are very numerous, and the following are the most important of them:

Used before the obiect

  • , in; at; on; to; for; by, then.
  • because of; for; by.
  • from.
  • from; by; through; since.
  • from; by; because of.
  • at; on; in; to; about.
  • in; at; from; than.
  • by; through; with.
  • a sign of the object.
  • to; at; up to; till.
  • by; with; from.
  • with; for; to.
  • a sign of the object.
  • by.
  • in place of; on behalf of.
  • in accordance with.
  • toward; to.
  • with; together with.
  • from; at a distance from.
  • from.
  • at; on; in.

Used after the object

  • within; in; among.
  • without; beyond; outside.
  • below; beneath; under.
  • within; in; among.
  • during; in; among.
  • before; in front of.
  • on; above; upon.
  • behind; after.
  • near; by; beside.

Note 1. The particles and as a sign of the object sometimes are used without the object leaving the latter to be surmised (see lesson XXV, gram. section, ex. 8, 9, 18, 19, 20).

Note 2. The particle sometimes is used after the object (see lesson XXV, gr. section, ex. 3).

Note 3. The prepositional particles used after the object sometimes are combined with put before the object (see lesson XXV, gr. section, ex. 39, 41, 47, 53).

Examples of using the prepositional particles:

In the 3rd year of T'ung-chih.
At that time.
At present.
At the time of entering the port.
On that day.
Which is the first of these three?
At the said place.
It makes no great difference in the revenue.
Convenient for merchants.
Not to ask from others.
(He) learned (it) from me.
Different from ordinary years.
Not to be distinguished from respectable citizens.
It is difficult to make arrangements for the beginning. It is easy to make plans for the completion.
Easy to land.
Not sufficient for cultivation.
Killed him with a sword.
He who without a regular office receives the pay of the prince must be deemed disrespectful.
The water is higher than the bank.
There is nothing greater than God.
I also like life, but there is that which I like more than life, and therefore I will not seek to possess it by any improper way.
To be known by others.
Destroyed by fire.
Arrested by constables.
A plan for the present juncture.
To die for one's country.
To act on behalf of others.
If I am not to mourn for this man, from whom should I mourn?
From of old until now.
Beginning from today.
From beginning to end.
This man comes from the interior.
Ever since the receipt of the letter.
Disease enters by the mouth.
From first to last.
All generals were looking from the wall.
From shallow to deep.
Go in by this door.
The Master said, “Who can go out but by the door? How is it that (men) will not walk according to these ways?”
By water.
By land.
To come down from heaven.
Not within the calculations of mortals.
The consul instructed the said merchant.
To meet on the road.
Tzu-kung said, “What I do not wish men to do to me, I also do not wish to do to men.”
Told (it) to his father.
I heard (this) from our Master.
If you do not know, ask others.
The Master said, “The superior man seeks from himself; the mean man seeks from others.”
The philosopher Kao said, “(Man's) nature is like a stream of water. Open a passage for it to the east, and it will flow to the east; open a passage for it to the west, and it will flow to the west.”
I am a day older than you.
There is nothing worse than irreverence (lit. irreverence—-there is nothing worse than that).
It consists in that.
Agreeing with this.
Differing from this.
I am here.
It is not my fault.
To harbor resentment in one's heart.
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