Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 25, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical section
Examples of using the prepositional particles (continued).
① 殺人以梃與刃。有以異乎。
Is there any difference between killing a man with a stick and with a sword?
② 君使臣以禮。臣事君以忠。
A prince should employ his ministers according to the rules of propriety; ministers should serve their prince with faithfulness.
③ 子曰。君子義以爲質。禮以行之。孫以出之。信以成之。君子哉。
The Master said, “The superior man considers righteousness to be essential. He performs it according to the rules of propriety. He brings it forth in humility. He completes it with sincerity. (This is) indeed a superior man!”
④ 以四個月爲期。
To make four months as the limit.
⑤ 以不應納子稅爲辭。
To make non-liability to pay transit dues as an argument.
⑥ 以此爲例。
To make this as a rule.
⑦ 以天下與人。
To give the empire to the man.
⑧ 子路以告。孔子曰。有命。
Tzu-Lu informed (Confucius) of that, and Confucius said, “That is as ordered by Heaven”.
⑨ 我非堯舜之道。不敢以陳於王前。
I do not dare to set forth before the king any but the ways of Yao and Shun.
⑩ 用刀殺人。
To kill a man with a knife.
⑪ 用力攻城。
To attack the city vigorously.
⑫ 自東至西。
From the east to the west.
⑬ 自古及今。未有能行之者也。
From ancient times till now there has not been any one able to do it.
⑭ 與原議不符。
Not in accordance with the original agreement.
⑮ 與平日不同。
Not as usual.
⑯ 與他何干。
What business is it of his?
⑰ 與國課有關。
Affecting the revenue.
⑱ 子曰。賜也。始可與言詩已矣。
The Master said, “As for Tz'u, I can begin to talk about the odes with him.”
⑲ 子曰。士志於道。而恥惡衣惡食者。未足與議也。
The Master said, “A scholar whose mind is set on truth, and who is ashamed of bad clothes and bad food is not fit to be discussed with.”
⑳ 子曰。可與言。而不與之言。失人。不可與言。而與之言。失言。
The Master said, “When (a man) may be spoken with, not to speak to him is to err in reference to the man (lit. to lose the man). When (a man) may not be spoken with, to speak to him is to err in reference to our words.”
㉑ 將執照帶回。
To bring back the passport.
㉒ 將謠言傳布。
To spread false reports.
㉓ 將被拏之人。立即釋放。
To release at once the men who have been seized.
㉔ 將無作有。
From nothing to make something.
㉕ 被匪竊去。
Robbed by bandits.
㉖ 被本官查拏。
Was seized upon discovery by this office.
㉗ 被風浪衝移。
Driven away by wind and waves.
㉘ 被山遮蔽。
Hidden by hills.
㉙ 按本分。
According to one's lot.
㉚ 按月支銀。
To pay monthly.
㉛ 河向東流。
The river flows eastward.
㉜ 業已向其告知。
They have already told it to him.
㉝ 向子口呈單。
To hand in a manifest at a custom-barrier.
㉞ 同君一意。
I am of the same opinion with you.
㉟ 同予前往。
He went with me.
㊱ 距此不甚遠。
Not very far from here.
㊲ 距岸約一里。
About a “li” from the shore.
㊳ 離此不遠。
Not far from here.
㊴ 於一月之內。
Within the space of one month.
㊵ 此屋內。
Inside this room.
㊶ 於條約之內。
In the treaty.
㊷ 此外。
Besides this.
㊸ 意外。
Beyond expectation.
㊹ 天下。
Beneath the sky,--China.
㊺ 手下。
Under one's hand or power.
㊻ 仁在其中。
Benevolence is in these things.
㊼ 於水火之中。
In the midst of fire and water (in danger).
㊽ 夜間。
In the night.
㊾ 上年冬間。
During the winter of last year.
㊿ 目前。
Before one's eyes; at present.
51 日前。
The other day; some days ago.
52 有福死夫前。無福死夫後。
(A wife) who has good fortune, dies before her husband; she who has not, dies after him.
53 於樹上。
Upon the tree.
54 山上。
Upon the mountain.
55 此後。
After that.
56 背後。
Behind the back.
57 海旁。
By the sea.
58 立在道旁。
To stand by the side of the road.