Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 26, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical section
There are a few particles which are used in many various ways and cannot be classified in any one definite group. They are therefore united into a separate class of individual particles.
These particles are: 以, 之, 者, 所.
The particle 以
The particle 以 is used in the following senses:
- Out, from, of (of material of which something is made) (ex. 1, 2, 3).
- According to, in accordance with (ex. 4, 5, 6, 7).
- As a sign of the objective case (ex. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). Note. In these cases can also be translated: “to take.”
- By, with (as an instrument) (ex. 14. 15, 16, 17).
- In order to (ex. 18, 19, 20).
- To think, to consider. In this meaning is seldom used alone (ex. 24, 37), but usually is combined with (ex. 21, 22, 23). (Compare lesson V, I, note d).
- Because, on account of (ex, 25, 26).
- To have (ex 27, 28).
- To use, to employ (ex 29, 30).
- To do (ex. 31, 42).
- Although (ex. 32).
- If (ex. 33).
- Sometimes 以 indicates the preceding object (ex, 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 39). (Compare lesson IX, 2, notes a, g, and lesson X, I, note f).
- Cause, reason (ex. 40, 41).
- Used alone or joined with 致 means: so that, and so, and thus (ex. 43, 44, 45, 46).
- Being joined with 所:
- a) forms adjective clauses: “that with which (ex. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51).
- b) means: therefore (ex. 52, 53).
- And (ex. 54).
- Or (ex. 55).
- Being joined with the expressions of place and time forms compound expressions, like: 以上, 以下, 以往, 以後, 以來, 以內, 以外, (ex. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60).
Examples of using the particle 以
① 以木作弓。
To make a bow from wood.
② 西國以金銀爲錢。
Western nations make money of gold and silver.
③ 告子曰。性猶杞柳也。以人性爲仁義。猶以杞柳爲杯棬也。
The philosopher Kao said, “(Man's) nature is like the willow tree, and righteousness is like a cup or a bowl. The molding of benevolence and righteousness out of man's nature is like the making of cups and bowls from the willow tree.”
④ 使民以時。
To employ people at the proper seasons.
⑤ 斧斤以時入山林。材木不可勝用也。
If the axes enter the mountain forests at the proper time, there will be more wood than can be used.
⑥ 所謂大臣者。以道事君。不可則止。
Those who are called great ministers serve their prince according to righteousness, and (when) they cannot, they retire (lit. stop).
⑦ 以位則子君也。我臣也。何敢與君友也。以德。則子事我者也。奚可以與我友。
With regard to (our) stations you are sovereign, and I am subject. How can I presume to be on terms of friendship with (my) sovereign? With regard to virtue you are my disciple (lit. you serve me). How may you be on terms of friendship with me?
⑧ 分人以財。
To divide money among them.
⑨ 以仁存心。
To cherish charity in one's heart.
⑩ 以假攙眞。
To mix falsehood with truth.
⑪ 或古人不用金銀。以其所有。易其所無。
The men of old did not use gold or silver, they bartered what they had for what they had not.
⑫ 教以漢書。
To teach Chinese literature.
⑬ 子以四敎。文行忠信。
There were four (things) which the Master taught, letters, ethics (lit. behaviour), loyalty and truthfulness.
⑭ 或曰。日以德報怨。如何。子曰。何以報徳。以直報怨。以德報德。
Someone said, “What do you say (concerning the principle that) injury should be recompensed with kindness?” The Master said, “With what (then) recompense kindness? Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness.”
⑮ 何以異於是。
In what does it differ from this?
⑯ 以食愈飢。以學愈愚。
Hunger is cured by food; ignorance is cured by study.
⑰ 以力服人。
To subdue men by force.
⑱ 卜以决疑。不疑何卜。
One uses divination in order to do away with one's doubts. If one doubts not, why divine?
⑲ 修己以安人。
He cultivates himself so as to give rest to others.
⑳ 吾無以與之。
I have nothing to give him.
㉑ 以國事爲重。
To consider affairs of state as important.
㉒ 何國不以得民心爲要。
What state does not consider it important to win the hearts of the people?
㉓ 子曰。事君盡禮。人以爲諂也。
The Master said, “The full observance (of the rules) of propriety in serving one's prince is accounted by people to be flattery.”
㉔ 子曰。吾以女爲死矣。
The Master said, “I thought you had died.”
㉕ 孔子曰。以吾從大夫之後。不敢不告也。
Confucius said, “As I follow in the rear of the great officers I did not dare not to inform.”
㉖ 子曰。君子不以言舉人。不以人廢言。
The Master said, “The superior man does not promote a man (simply) on account of (his) words nor does he put aside (good) words because of the man.”
㉗ 彼以其富。我以吾仁。彼以其爵。我以吾義。
They have their wealth,--I have my benevolence. They have their nobility,--I have my righteousness.
㉘ 以能問於不能。以多問於寡。以多問於寡。
Gifted with ability, (and yet) putting questions to those who were not gifted; possessing much, (and yet) putting questions to those possessing little.
㉙ 冉子退朝。子曰。何晏也。對曰有政。子曰。其事也。如有政。雖不吾以。吾其與聞之。不便。
Jan-tzu returned from the Court. The Master said (to him), “Why are you so late?” He replied, “We had government business.” The Master said, “It must have been (family) affairs. If there had been government business, though I am not in office, I should have participated and heard it.”
㉚ 不便大臣怨乎不以。
(He) does not cause the great ministers to murmur (his) not employing (them).
㉛ 以若所爲。求若所欲。猶緣木而求魚也。
To do what (you) do, to seek for what (you) desire, is like climbing a tree to seek for fish.
㉜ 以吾一日長乎爾。毋吾以也。
Though I am a day (or so) older than you, do not think of that [lit. do not consider me (to be your senior)].
㉝ 或百步而後止。或五十步而後止。以五十步笑白步。則何如。
Some (of the defeated soldiers) (ran) a hundred paces and stop; some (ran) fifty paces and stop. What would you think, if those who (ran) fifty paces were to laugh at those who (ran) a hundred paces?
㉞ 吾不敢以告人。
I do not dare to tell others about it.
㉟ 若行王政。四海之內。皆舉首而望之。欲以爲君。
If (he) were practising royal government, all within the four seas would be lifting up their heads and looking for him, wishing to make him their sovereign.
㊱ 孟子曰。能順杞柳之性。以爲杯棬乎。
Mencius said, “Can you, leaving untouched (lit. following) the nature of the willow, make with it cups and bowls?”
㊲ 公以告臧孫。臧孫係以雞。
The duke informed Tsang-sun of this, and Tsang-sun found it difficult.
㊳ 吾非堯舜之道。不敢以陳於王前。
I do not dare to set forth before the prince any but the ways of Yao and Shun.
㊴ 屋盧子不能對。明日之鄒。以告孟子。
Wu-lu-tzu was unable to reply (to those questions), and the next day he went to Tsou and told them to Mencius.
㊵ 必有以也。
There must be a reason.
㊶ 以問其以。
And asked the cause.
㊷ 視其所以。觀其所由。
Observe what he does and mark his motives.
㊸ 一朝之忿。忘其身以及其親。非惑與。
For a morning's anger to disregard one's own life and so involve that of his parents,--is not this a case of delusion?
㊹ 其爲人也。發憤忘食。樂以忘憂。
He is a man, who in his eager pursuit (of knowledge) forgets his food and so rejoices at (its attainment) that he forgets his sorrows.
㊺ 以致如此。
So as to bring about this state of affairs.
㊻ 以致生出事端。
So as to give rise to difficulties.
㊼ 此天地之所以爲大。
This (is) that in which great heaven and earth are.
㊽ 聖人之所以同於眾者。性也。
That wherein the sage is similar to mankind is his nature.
㊾ 知所以修身。則知所以治人。
If he know by what means to cultivate his character, he will know by what means to govern men.
㊿ 除害即所以興利也。
To eradicate evils is the way to give rise to profits.
51 敢問其所以異。
May I ask what is the difference (lit. that by which it differs)?
52 有大才。所以能成大事。
He who is endowed with great capacities is therefore able to achieve great deeds.
53 有大見識。所以能出奇謀。
He whose experience is great is therefore able to devise a clever plan.
54 富以苟。不如貧以譽。生以辱。不如死以榮。
Riches and obscurity are worse than poverty and fame. Life and disgrace are worse than death and glory.
55 此年行師。當克以否。
If we start war this year shall we win or not?
56 自古以來。
From ancient times until now.
57 臨御以來。
Ever since he occupied the throne.
58 登位以前。
Before he ascended the throne.
59 自今以前。
From to-day henceforth.
60 子曰。中人以上。可以語上也。中人以下。不可以語上也。
The Master said, “To those who are above mediocrity, the highest subjects may be mentioned. To those who are below mediocrity, the highest subjects may not be mentioned.”