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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 27, Text 1

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
The Attitude of China and the Powers towards the Revision of Treaties.
On the 4th of September, the eight Powers, signatories of the Washington Treaty, viz. England, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, Holland, Portugal and the United States of America sent a joint note in reply to the communication of the Chinese Government of the 24th of June showing a common attitude toward China's request for the revision of unequal treaties from which it is evident that the Powers are acting in common (lit. taking the same steps) toward China.
The difference between the opinions of China and the interested countries can be ascertained from the communications exchanged between both sides.
China demands from the Powers a complete restoration of her sovereign rights. Therefore appropriate measures thereto must begin with the abrogation of all humiliating treaties. In a word, the Chinese desire that all fetters which hitherto bound them should be severed at one stroke, and that at a single jump China should assume a position of equality with the other Powers.
(to be continued)