Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 27, Text 3

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt

Grammatical Section


The particle

The particle is used in the following ways:

  1. As a personal pronoun: he, she, it, they. (ex. 1, 2, 3, 4).
  2. Indicating an adjectival form (ex. 5, 6).
  3. As a demonstrative pronoun: this, that, these, those (ex. 7, 8).
  4. As a sign of the possessive case (ex. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).
  5. Indicating a participial form (ex. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19).
  6. With the meaning “to go” (ex. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25).
  7. Indicating a preceding object (ex. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30).
  8. Indicating a preceding subject (ex. 31, 32, 33).
  9. Used instead of “till” (ex. 34).
  10. Used instead of “in”, “at” (ex. 35).
  11. Used instead of “to give” (ex. 36).
  12. Indicating a verbal noun (ex. 37).
  13. As an expletive giving only a rythmic force to a sentence:
    • a) between the subject and the predicate (ex. 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44).
    • b) between the object and the verb (ex. 45, 46).
    • c) between the verb and the complement (ex. 47).
    • d) joined to adverbs (ex. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53).
    • e) between the attribute and the noun (ex. 54).
    • f) joined to a numeral (ex. 55).
    • g) inserted into proper names (ex. 38).
Examples of using the particle
He loved him like himself, not merely as a son.
Whoever will cut off (a piece) of his flesh, I shall marry (my daughter) to him.
Those who know it (virtue) are not equal to those who love it.
Is any one able for one day to apply his strength to virtue? I have not seen the case in which the strength would be insufficient. Should there possibly be any such case. I have not seen it.
This is extreme happiness.
The present men.
Those several men; that crowd.
Those two creatures, what can they know?
Agriculture is the foundation of life.
The clear will of God.
A parent's heart, all people have it.
Whose son is this?
A father does not know his son's heart.
A discontented man.
The king loves his people (lit. has a loving his people heart).
A man of virtue.
A child three years old.
The man who hears it (lit. hearing it).
A bird which has been wounded by a bow is afraid of bent wood.
Where are you going?
If he said east, they went east; if north, north.
What the heart desires.
On other days, when you have gone out, you have given instructions to the officers as to where you were going.
He did not know the road there (lit. the road of going there).
Learners should know the direction in which they ought to go, and go in it.
Tzu-lu said (to Confucius), “I should like to hear you wishes.” The Master said, “(In regard to) the aged give them rest; in regard to friends, show them sincerity; in regard to young, treat them tenderly.”
These words I must say.
Drinkers and gluttons, all men despise them.
The feeling of reverence, all men possess (it).
He who is greedy of wealth is called a fool.
There are some who go and never arrive.
In what place are there no wonderful men?
There were instances of ministers who murdered their sovereigns, and of sons who murdered their fathers.
(She) swore she never would have another (husband).
Men are partial where they feel affection and love.
Huang-fu put his two sons to death.
Doing being difficult, can speaking be without difficulty?
Yü-kung-ssu learned archery from Yin-kung-t'o, and Yin-kung-t'o learned it from me.
Benevolence and righteousness, reverence and harmony being different from each other, at the same time mutually complete each other.
When a bird is about to die, its notes are mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are good.
The people turn to benevolence as water flows downwards, and as wild beasts fly to the wilderness.
Men have these four principles just as they have their four limbs.
The people are only afraid that your Majesty does not love valor.
Since Shun had become emperor, I venture to ask, how it was that Ku-sou was not one of his ministers?
(The reason why) the ancients did not (readily) give utterance to their words, (was that) they feared lest their actions should not come up to them.
I cannot believe it.
The ruin of the state of Cheng is imminent,--how do you dare not to be afraid?
How should a minister serve his prince?
What is there impossible in it?
There is no help for it.
After all how will it turn out?
In either case he will die.
Half doubting, half believing.
Do not eat unripened things; do not drink unboiled water.
Once is enough (lit. much).
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