Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 29, Text 3
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Grammatical Section
The particle 所
The particle 所 is used in the following ways:
- Used as a noun 所 means: “a place” (ex. 1, 2, 3).
- The combination of “That which” 所 with verbs forms adjective clauses: “those who” (ex. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18).
- The combination 所...者 forms:
- a) adjective clauses: “Those who” (ex. 19).
- b) adjective clauses: “That which” (ex. 20; also lesson XXVIII, grammatical section, ex. 37, 38, 39, 41, 42).
- c) verbal nouns (ex. 21; also lesson XXVIII, grammatical section, ex. 43, 44).
- 所 is often used in combination with 有. The meaning of this combination depends on the place it occupies in the sentence. When 所有 is placed at the end of a sentence, 所 forms a kind of adjective clause where 有 means: “to have” (ex. 24, 25; also lesson XII, 2, A, note b). Being put before a noun (in singular or in plural) 所有 simply gives an emphasis to it, and is equivalent to the definite article “the” or sometimes to “all the” (ex. 22, 23; also lesson XII, 2, A, note b).
- The combination 爲 or 被...所 with a verb following immediately after 所 forms a passive structure (ex. 26, 27, 28, 29).
Note. About the combination 所以 vid. lesson XXVI, grammatical section.
Examples of using the particle 所
① 事務所。
An office.
② 製造所。
A factory.
③ 各得其所。
Each one in his proper place.
④ 所聞所見
What is heard and seen.
⑤ 必有所思。
There is sure to be something to think about.
⑥ 嚴飭所屬。
To give strict orders to one's subordinates (lit. to those who are subordinate).
⑦ 斷非我輩所爲。
It was certainly not done by us.
⑧ 其所言。有信者。有不信者。
There were some who believed, and some who did not believe what he said.
⑨ 非爾所及也。
You do not attain to it (lit. it is not that to which you attain).
⑩ 貪財者無所不爲。
Those who covet wealth will do anything.
⑪ 小人為不善。無所不至。
When the mean man practises evil he will proceed to any extreme.
⑫ 貧與賤是人之所惡也。
Poverty and meaness are what men dislike.
⑬ 己所不欲。勿施於人。
Do not do unto others what you would not wish others to do unto you.
⑭ 在所不免。
⑮ 所得無幾。
To get but a little.
⑯ 在所不能。
It is in the category of the impossible.
⑰ 君子之所爲。衆人固不識也。
What the superior man does, the masses do not understand.
⑱ 話有所自。
Talk has its origin,--some point from which it begins.
⑲ 所謂大臣者。以道事君。
Those who are called great ministers serve their prince with righteousness.
⑳ 所樂者淺。所患者深。
Joy (lit. what is joyful) is superficial, troubles lie deep.
㉑ 所謂治國。必先齊其家者。家不可敎。而能敎人者。無之。
(The meaning) of the expression, “In order to govern the state rightly it is necessary first to regulate the family” (is this): it is not possible for one to teach others, when he cannot teach his own family.
㉒ 所有公文。
All the official documents and records.
㉓ 所有現在業經派出各國大臣。
The ministers who have already been despatched to various countries.
㉔ 凡其所有。
All that he has.
㉕ 此地爲吾父所有。
This land belongs to my father.
㉖ 爲婦人所惑。
Influenced by his wife.
㉗ 此爲天命所定。
This was fixed by Heaven's decree.
㉘ 被火所燬。
Destroyed by fire.
㉙ 被盜所刼。
Robbed by brigands.