Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 30, Text 1
Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
The Impropriety of the American Invitation to Germany to Adhere to the Washington Treaty.
According to information from the diplomatic circles, with reference to Germany's adherence to the Nine-Power Treaty concluded at the Washington Conference, the Chinese Government declared to both the German and American Governments that the provisions embodied in the Nine-Power Treaty are inapplicable to Germany as she has already forfeited her special rights and interests in China.
For several days this question has been given publicity in the European and American papers, and the Chinese and foreign jurists have used it as material for study. A well known (Chinese) authority on international law has recently made the following analytical comment in reference to this question:
“Since China's participation in the Washington Conference in 1922, the Chinese people have come to cherish friendly sentiments toward the United States, mainly for the reason that the Nine-Power Treaty, concluded at the Washington Conference concerning affairs in China, was designed to afford her opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the old treaties in order that she might get freedom for natural development.
Although this was not sufficient to satisfy our people's expectations completely, it might still lead to the correction of the mistakes made in the old treaties and serve as the preliminary step to the gradual loosening of the fetters. For this stand for justice we greatly respect the American people.
But we are quite surprised at the telegraphic report from Berlin to the effect that the United States has unexpectedly invited Germany to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty of Washington.