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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 31, Text 1

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
The Impropriety of the American Invitation to Germany to Adhere to the Washington Treaty (continued)
The Nine-Power Treaty is the first step toward the abolition of the unequal treaties.
Since Germany has already entered into an agreement of reciprocal equality with China, she has truly made a step forward. If Germany were now to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty, she would be taking a step backward.
The American Government might hold the view that inasmuch as the Nine-Power Treaty is beneficial to China, it does not harm to invite more Powers to adhere to it.
But, before adherence to any international agreement the preliminary question to be decided is whether it is proper to adhere or not.
The purpose of the Nine-Power Treaty is to restrict the Treaty Powers in their demands for special rights and interests in China.
As the Chinese-German relations have been placed on an equal footing, it is unnecessary for Germany to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty at all.
With reference to the resolutions of the Treaty in connection with the customs duties and (consular) jurisdiction, every time, when the American Government invited the adherence of the other Powers to them, it had previously discussed these matters with the Chinese Government.
This time, when the American Government invited Germany to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty, there was no previous discussion of this question with the Chinese Government.
Besides, the non-signatory Powers referred to in Article VIII of the Nine Power Treaty could only mean those Powers which have had unequal treaties with China. With those which have already concluded agreements of reciprocal equality with her it has absolutely nothing to do, and, naturally, those Powers do not belong to that category.
The invitation by the American Government to Germany to adhere to the Nine-Power Treaty runs, therefore, counter not only to the Sino-German Agreement, but also obviously to the provisions of Article VIII of the said Treaty.
It is known that the Chinese Government has already made vigorous protests to the Governments at Berlin and Washington.
Whatever may happen, the Chinese people will be opposed to any retrogressive step by those Powers which have already concluded agreements of reciprocal equality with China.
(to be continued)