Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 4, Text 3

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
Vocabulary section transcribed with help from with help from 武克富強/Võ Khắc Phú Cường

Grammatical section.

B. -- Equalizing particles

The equalizing particles indicate that a quality, state, or action relate to two or several objects in the same degree.

These particles are:

Examples of using the equalizing particles:

All within the four seas are brothers.
Every inch of ground is the emperor's territory.
Old and young, all are there.
From of old, all have possessed mortality.
The merchants will all have their profit.
Fields and grain were all drowned.
All the men of commerce do not dare to come to the city to trade.
As for each each country in the west, none have this law.
The common people and the Chinese converts to Christianity were all on friendly terms.
The sprouts of grain are all in water from the flood.
Day and night are of equal length.
Not of the same kind.
Equally heavy.
Both head and feet.
Missionary cases all occurred at the same time in all the provinces.
Weapons of war of every kind are all classed as contraband goods, and they do not permit trade in them.
The myriad nations are all at peace.
Young and old, all assembled together.
Let all the world's people listen our words!
gloss source