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Introduction to Literary Chinese - Lesson 17, Text 2

Adapted from the 1927 book by J. Brandt
A Telegram from Mr. Wei Ch'en-tsu, the Chinese Minister at the Hague, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 23rd day, 10th month, 2nd year of the Republic.
Interviewed the Foreign Minister of Netherlands yesterday. When touching upon the matter of revising the Tariff, he inquired whether the other Powers were showing opposition (to the project).
I replied that as this demand was made in complete accordance with treaty stipulations and further (the revision) would involve no loss whatsoever to foreign merchants. I thought they would not object to it, etc.
It is probable that if the other Powers approve (of the project), Holland will also give her consent. Another note (thereanent) has just been prepared and despatched.
For your special information. Wei-Ch'en-tsu
A Telegram from Mr. Liu Ching-jen, the Chinese Minister in Russia, to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 29th day, 10th month, 2nd year of the Republic
Your telegram of the 21st instant was noted. Regarding the matter of Tariff revision I have just interviewed the Russian Foreign Minister and in accordance with your instructions thoroughly explained it (to him). He having just returned from a trip could not reply definitely.
Subsequently I consulted the Chief of the Department of Eastern Affairs, and he said that the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had received the Chinese Government's declaration of last year, but the matter had not yet been reported upon by Minister Kroupensky.
As this affair is related to commerce, it must be considered by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Commerce, and then a reply can be given. Liu-Ching-jen